
One of my favorite sites for Spanish activities is:

Spanish Printable Activities and Coloring Pages - Primera Escuela

There I have been able to find all sorts of printable coloring pages and activities that help me reinforce Spanish learning. I took a whole afternoon printing the letters of the Spanish alphabet and numbers, colors, etc.  and filed them together in a binder, just because I love to keep everything neat and organized. When I need a coloring sheet or we are focusing on a particular activity (numbers, colors, shapes, etc.) I just pull one of my printed sheets out and listo!


Since we are now able to identify all the letters in the Spanish alphabet, I found this cool video that reinforces the sounds each letter makes, hopefully our next step will be reading, I have my supplies ready for that important step, I will make sure to follow up with our progress.

El alfabeto en espaƱol - Spanish Alphabet Video

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