When asked about why do I teach my children Spanish being
that we live in the United States, the answer is easy: why not?
There are very few things that I will be able to give my
children that will last and benefit them as much as an education. Before I became a stay at home mother, during
my professional life, knowing Spanish was a great asset (it even offered me a
pay differential in some places). From all the benefits I encountered all those
years spent working outside the home, there was no doubt in my mind: My Kids
were going to learn Spanish.
The road has been, and continues to be, difficult. Everything
that surrounds us uses English, my husband speaks English, his parents do as
well, most toys that they will play with sing the cutest songs, tell the
letters, colors, numbers and shapes all in English! And I haven’t even gotten
started with TV.
I know you might feel like giving up, it’s just so much
easier that way, right? Don’t, please don’t give up! There are options,
resources and yes, toys that can help reinforce what you are already doing: talking
to your child in Spanish. I will continue posting about my discoveries, hoping
I can help.
Hasta pronto!
Hasta pronto!
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