Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Aprendiendo con Plaza Sésamo

The first time I introduced my children to any kind of television programming it was through a wonderful series of DVDs titled “Sesame Beginnings” that includes Spanish audio. Needless to say, both my children loved them!

Now, my 3 year old might be getting a little too old and a little too smart for Sesame Beginnings so I had to find other alternatives for him to continue to watch Sesame Street in Spanish. I was surprised to find the answer right in front of me, on a website that I use more often than I’d like to admit: amazon.com! I found a great series of episodes in Spanish called “Aprende con Sesame” (10 episodes) and “Las familias ven juntas” (6 episodes). Here’s the best part: They are FREE!!!! GRATIS!!!!

couldn't believe my luck, since I own a kindle fire I downloaded them all to my device so I could take them with me everywhere. I not only love the fact that it’s free and in Spanish but also that it actually teaches something, from planning for an emergency to counting and saving money.
To add to the theme and learning experience, why not print a couple of coloring pages? You can get them for free at:  www.plazasesamo.com
Sit down, sing with Elmo, Rosita and all the Plaza Sésamo characters and then color a page or two with your child, I promise you´ll have fun!

Hasta Pronto!

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